How To Prevent and Fix Receding Gums | Treatment & Causes | Dr. Kami Hoss

How to Fix Receding Gums Receding gums are a common problem, yet few people understand what to do about receding gums treatment. First, it’s important to understand what causes receding gums so that you can learn how to stop receding gums from getting worse. Here’s what you should know. What Causes Receding Gums? Receding gums […]

TODAY: The Top Mistakes We Make When Taking Care of Our Mouth

The top mistakes we make when taking care of our mouth

Oral health connects to overall body health, but “what we’re currently doing is not working,” says dentist and author of “If Your Mouth Could Talk.” It’s a morning routine familiar for many of us: Get that mouth clean immediately after breakfast by using a harsh toothpaste applied by an abrasive toothbrush, followed by a rinse with a […]

Most common dental fractures & how to fix them | Dr. Kami Hoss

Most Common Dental Fractures and How to Fix Them When you fracture a tooth, it can be nerve-wracking. You might not know how serious the damage is or what needs to be done to fix your dental fracture. Ultimately, it depends on the type of fracture and the impacted parts of your tooth. Let’s look […]

Why Are My Gums Bleeding & How to Stop Right Away | Dr. Kami Hoss

Why Are My Gums Bleeding and How to Stop It Right Away It happens to everyone. You’re brushing or flossing your teeth and suddenly notice your gums are bleeding. What you might not be able to answer is, “Why are my gums bleeding?” Read on to learn what causes it and how to stop bleeding […]

Are Juice Boxes Bad for Children’s Teeth | Dr. Kami Hoss

Are Juice Boxes Bad for Children’s Teeth? Many of us grew up drinking juice as a healthy way to get some of our daily fruit. However, pediatricians and dentists now discourage giving juice to kids on a regular basis. So, are juice boxes bad for children’s teeth and bodies? Why Do Dentists Caution Against Drinking […]

Toddler Cavities: How to Treat Cavities in Children

Cavities in children are not uncommon, but toddler cavities may be more surprising to many parents. So, are baby teeth more prone to cavities? Yes, but thankfully, there’s a lot you can do to prevent cavities in young children. Read on to learn how to take great care of your kids’ baby teeth and how […]

Teaching Dental Hygiene to Preschoolers: How to Make It Fun for Children

Teaching oral hygiene to preschoolers is important but trickier than it sounds! Establishing good dental hygiene from childhood is essential for your kids overall health. Teaching dental hygiene to preschoolers will help them maintain a lifetime of healthy oral habits. It’s essential that you address any issues right away and ensure they know how to […]

Rotten Teeth Effects on the Body: Tooth Decay Dangers

Rotten Teeth Effects On The Body: Tooth Decay Dangers You already know that tooth decay is bad for your teeth, but did you know that there are even more rotten teeth effects on the body? It’s true, and you might be surprised by how significant these health problems caused by bad teeth can be. So, […]