How Bad Is It Really to Share a Toothbrush?

Dr. Kami Hoss

READ ON LIVESTRONG Jessica Migala We’ve all been caught without a toothbrush. You’re vacationing at a house rental, camping or staying at a friend’s or date’s place and forget one. And yet, you don’t want to go to bed without freshening up your mouth. So, you grab for someone else’s toothbrush and give your pearly […]

FORBES: Dr. Kami Hoss: Gingivitis: Causes And Treatment in 2022

Gingivitis: Causes And Treatment READ ON FORBES:  Donna Christiano Campisano Plaque often leads to gingivitis, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine, especially where the gum and tooth meet. Your mouth naturally produces plaque—a sticky, nearly invisible film that coats teeth—and if you regularly remove it with brushing and flossing, it typically doesn’t cause problems, according […]